Solo exhibition of jewelry designer Luca Sági, the winner of the FISE prise of the 2023 Budapest Jewelry Week
Opening on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 6 p.m.
The exhibition will be opened by Munkácsy Prize-winning sculptor György Szabó
Contributor: Dániel Vass háros
It can be viewed until October 4, 2024, from Monday to Friday from 2 to 6 p.m.
Art exhibition guided tour: September 19 and 26 between 4 and 6 p.m.
Luca Sági's works - balanced on the border of fine art, applied art, design and craftsmanship - have a strong conceptual background. She tries to convey what he has to say using the most appropriate combination of classical and more experimental techniques and materials. For him, contemporary jewelry is a tool for self-expression, creating relationships and community, a kind of communication channel. She obtained her master's degree in jewelry design from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, and his BA degree from the negotiation and metalwork department of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts. The public was able to see his work at many exhibitions in places such as Galerie Marzee, Galerie Beyond, DIVA Museum, Munich Jewelery Week, Brussels Jewelery Week, Melting Point Valencia, Budapest Jewelry Week and Obsessed! Jewelery Festival.
Layers // Exhibition of jewelry artist Natasa Litvin and photographer Réka Ágnes Tóth
Opening on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 6 p.m.
The exhibition will be opened by Ildikó Fazekas, design and art manager.
It can be viewed until July 5, 2024, from Monday to Friday from 13:00 to 18:00.
Natasa Litvin is a jewelry artist, she investigates from social science points of view and thinks in terms of systems. She creates her subjects on the subject of relationships and connections, along marginal boundaries and complex associations. For her, the driving force is the expression of self-identity and value creation, all without having to compromise on different materials.
Réka Ágnes Tóth focuses on continuous experimentation, on feelings, movements and perspectives. In her photos, she uses the tool of manipulation, which creates new perspectives and impressions.
In her style, she follows the ambitious, minimalist stance, and composes her compositions consciously. Ágnes wants to present impressive and emotional visions to her audience.
The title of the exhibition is "Layers". Its specialty is that it is matrix-like both vertically and horizontally, i.e. the exhibition within the exhibition, based on layers of each other, creates processes and fabric. The objects, photos, and themes of the exhibition can be "consumed" separately as an independent exhibition, but together they form a unity.
The essence of the exhibition is the complexity of the three themes of Soul, Body, Spirit, such as "Soul Bubble", "Body Tissues" and "Spirit Gateway". It conveys emotional patterns, impressions, impressions brought and acquired in narrative jewelry and photos.
It will be opened by: Eszter Zámori, head of the Jewelery Practices course and curator of the exhibition
It can be visited: until June 21, on working days between 13:00 and 18:00.
The exhibition is jointly organized by PTE MK and FISE.
A special thank you to the Subject Creation Department of PTE MK!
Creators of the jewelry works of the FISE Collection: Marianna Balázs, Rita Besnyői, Zsuzsa Boldizsár, Andrea Buzás, Dóra Dés, Marcell Égi, Veronika Fazekas, Fruzsi Fekete, Kinga Huber, Orsolya Kecskés, Dániel Kiskéry, László Marosi, Erika Rejka, Sapi Szilágyi, Fanni Vékony, Eszter Zámori
The student works of the Jewelery Practices course were prepared by: Eszter Akácsos, Viola Bálint, Péter Baran, Dóra Bedi, Vivien Galcsik, Enikő Gyergyovits, Regina Jantász, Sára Keszthelyi, Anna Kis, Boróka Pálfai, Csenge Simonváros and Eszter Takács, Enikő Szabadi, Rebeka Szalai, Luca Vigh
Jewelry exercises - Paraphrase and exhibition as a method in art education
"I consider it an important task to get to know the artists and works of the Hungarian contemporary jewelry scene, to present them at an exhibition, and to expand and deepen the knowledge of artist students and prepare reflections.
My course at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pécs was addressed to the students of metalwork and ceramic design of the Basic Design course and the painting students studying in the undivided training. The Jewelry Practices course was an experimental field and an exciting challenge for the comparison and supportive coordination of different art fields and creative work processes. During the two spring semesters, the students created paraphrases of individual jewelry pieces from the FISE Collection. The results of the work of the first semester were presented in October 2023 at the Nádor Gallery in Pécs. The entire material will now be on display at the exhibition opening at the FISE Gallery - together with the works created this year.
The students were connected to the chosen jewelry according to an essential aspect and could think about the genre of pendants or necklaces. The detailed session is presented in their creative journal. The course also provided space for practicing creative text writing. The students' works were included in the Student Work section of the FISE Collection."
The catalog of Jewelry Practices can be viewed here:
(in)direct message - Csenge Diriczi, Csaba Molnár, Anna Sümegh and Luca Zsiga Ujvári exhibition of goldsmiths
Opening on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 6 p.m.
The exhibition will be opened by design and art manager Ildikó Fazekas.
On view until March 8, 2024, from Monday to Friday from 2 to 6 p.m.
All four of us approached the topic of self-discovery from different aspects.
- Csenge Diriczi's jewelry attempts to process and reframe internal processes such as the difficulties of growing up without emotional security, as well as the acceptance of constant change that goes hand in hand with human existence.
- Csaba Molnár's objects break out of the individual's protective shell towards the community as a message through a personal symbol system.
- Anna Sümegh displays her inner dialogues in her series of postcard collages and poetic graphics, and examines the interwoven circles of anxiety.
- Luca Ujvári-Zsiga created experimental installations that map the causes of procrastination through the reinterpretation of the artist's personal objects.
On the next FISE Evening there will come a report about the 17th SIERAAD International Art Jewellery Fair by Fanni Király, Noémi Gera and Márta Edőcs
15th of February, Friday 6 pm.
After 6 pm for entering please ring doorbell 40. at Kálmán Imre street 16.
Organized by FISE and Art Jewelry Night of BDPST
Exhibition of the 'National Goldsmith Competition' finalists
Open: 2018. 09. 18. - 2018. 10.05.
Opening hours during ÉÉB: 09.20–21. 13:00-18:00
Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 13:00-18:00, Saturday-Sunday: closed
Facebook-event: click HERE
Tapas de H6
The H6 is a contemporary jewelry group formed by six hungarian designers: Börcsök Anna, Fazekas Veronika, Fekete Fruzsi, Horányi Kinga, Neuzer Zsófia, Tengely Nóra.
They participated in two contemporary jewelry event in the last weeks. The first one was the Melting Point in Valencia in Spain and the second one was the Autor fair in Bucharest in Romania.
The 'Tapas de H6' exhibiton is the preview and the report about their trip where they represent their newest pieces.
Opening: 15th of May Tuesday at 6 pm
Opening speech: Angéla Góg, food designer
Open till: 1st of June every weekday from 1 pm to 6 pm
Facebook event => HERE
News from Mátranovák
The metalsmith section occupied the artist's house at Mátranovák again. 15 of them are and work there with liquid metals and other materials and tools - wich can be frightening for an ordinary person. They work with aluminium mostly.
And there is preparing a special weathercocok for our majer helper and supporter, László Borkovics!
"Here is cheer and the weather is fine! - informed us the team - as we can see on the photos too.
Keep it up guys!
Report and talk about Schmuck 2017 contemporary jewelry event
Guest: István Simonyi art-historian, design-manager and collector
Open and free to join in!
25th of May (Thursday) 7 p.m. at FISE Gallery
In this multicoloured series the colours are in the focus.
Every responder choose a colour and an object.
Player: Attila Norbert Dávid metalsmith
Colour: Red.
Whys: This colour is frequent in my objects, and as I see it is frequent in my workroom too.
Highlighted object: The silver necklace behinde the grid, named: HeartPrison.
The story: It was made to a Valentine's Day Exhibition at the Gallery Sterling. It has double interpretation - just as the Valentine's Day. My heart is in prison - or - My heart is captivated. As you like it...
Further about Attila:
Retrospective question about the year 2016 with Dóra Dés-Kertész metalsmith
1. Best experience of 2016
The Jewelry Night in November. It was the result of the hard work of the organisers team - Kinga Huber, Orsi Kecskés, Szilvi Kerékgyártó, Krisztina Stomfai and Fanni Vékony. I'm proud of the gorgeous exhibitions, the new works, and the many visitors.
2. And the worst...
There wasn't just a one and big annoyance but little bad things continuously.
3. The most inspiring case from tha last year
The metalsmith art camp at Mátranovák where I was able to step out of the daily routine.
4. New experience
I started to work at home. This is a very new situation for me, I try to keep balance between work and private life.
5. New Year's resolution
I've many plans and projects, but I'm not sure all would be realized, and maybe I need some self-improvement about time-management.
Mora about Dóra:
Kata Lenzsér Mezei: RÉZLETEK
Opening: 6th of December 2016. with
György Radványi DLA professor, Ybl Prize winner architect
In her work RÉZLETEK, Kata Lenzsér-Mezei examines copper and questions it by torturing, pressing and bathing it, in chemical compounds, through jewels and objects. Or is it rather copper formations or copper images that she tells us about?
On the one hand, shaping copper is conceptual and manual work. On the other hand, it is the result of the intuitive attitude of the artist, who draws inspiration from the natural characteristics of copper.
While working it, she exploits properties like plasticity, malleability and elasticity of the metal, producing individual and non-recurrent spatial forms, which results in a deeper knowledge and understanding of the properties of the material.
Copper is soft. She wrinkles, creases and smooths it. It is organic, leathery. Among its planned creases there is something intuitive and autonomous.
Copper is hard. The object, designed with an engineer’s accuracy, is precise.
Copper is coloured. Verdigris is the boundary of art and science.
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