Stories from 2016 / Dóra Dés-kertész
Retrospective question about the year 2016 with Dóra Dés-Kertész metalsmith
1. Best experience of 2016
The Jewelry Night in November. It was the result of the hard work of the organisers team - Kinga Huber, Orsi Kecskés, Szilvi Kerékgyártó, Krisztina Stomfai and Fanni Vékony. I'm proud of the gorgeous exhibitions, the new works, and the many visitors.
2. And the worst...
There wasn't just a one and big annoyance but little bad things continuously.
3. The most inspiring case from tha last year
The metalsmith art camp at Mátranovák where I was able to step out of the daily routine.
4. New experience
I started to work at home. This is a very new situation for me, I try to keep balance between work and private life.
5. New Year's resolution
I've many plans and projects, but I'm not sure all would be realized, and maybe I need some self-improvement about time-management.
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