Photo - Video
Exhibition of Zoltán Dévai architect
Public space on only one picture which includes the whole scene with all the details - but smooths it into a kind of "visual silence"...
Opening: 13th of March 6 p.m.
Opening speech: Sebestény Ferenc DLA
Official program of the Budapest Photo Festival.
Soul thief - Exhibition of portraits by photographer Ákos Gábor Varga
Opening: Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 6 p.m.
Opened by: esthete Tibor Miltényi.
The exhibition is the official program of the Photography Month 2022.
It can be viewed until November 11, 2022, from Monday to Friday from 13:00 to 18:00.
Soul thief
An obsessive photographer is happy to photograph almost any subject. But the most interesting topic is the person. Capturing someone's personality and telling their story in one picture is the most exciting task. Yes, in this case we steal a little bit of our model's soul in a good way. We do this with such passion and humility that our subject finally feels that he has opened up to us with joy. At my exhibition at the FISE Gallery, you can see portraits made over many years, of friends, acquaintances, or people you simply call out to on the street.
Invitation photo: Ann, Werner and Wagram
The Hungarian State Opera House has been renewed - The exhibition of the photographer Tamás Réthey-Prikkel
Opening: Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 6 p.m.
The exhibition will be opened by the esthete János Palotai.
The exhibition is the official program of the Budapest Photo Festival.
It is available until May 13, 2022, Monday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m.
The Hungarian State Opera has been restored. An overview of the process is presented to us through the works of photographer Tamás Réthey-Prikkel. Beyond the classical architecture photography, the series are enriched with a touch of subjective memories.
Tanodától az egyetemig - MOME életképek
CSIPES ANTAL iparművész kiállítása
A kiállítást megnyitja: Szalai András művészettörténész.
Megnyitó: 2020. március 10. kedd 18 óra.
“A kiállítás a Budapest Fotófesztivál hivatalos programja.”
Megtekinthető 2020. március 27-ig, hétfőtől-péntekig 13-18 óra között!
Csipes Antal a „Tanodától az egyetemig” című fotókiállítása, az iparművész hamarosan megjelenő könyve, második kötetének válogatott képanyaga. A múltidézés legkorábbi fotója 1982 júniusában készült, míg az utolsó 2019-ben. Ezek mellett a Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem történetének eredeti kópiáit – 1898-tól –, kiadványait és szórólapjait is láthatják az érdeklődők.
Photographer in front of the lens Géza Gonda's photo exhibition -
The pictures of Nicolas Muller photographer were made by Géza Gonda in Spain, 1988-1994.
The exhibition will be opened by Orsolya Bencsik, writer,
at 6 pm, on 26 of March.
Next exhibition of FISE Gallery
Tamás Réthey-Prikkel photograper: SpaceSymphonies
Opening: 24th of April at 5.30 p.m.
Opening speech: János Palotai esthete
“You know, all the images won't be there, these are only flashes, this is only...”
Abstract building-photos about Hungarian and international cancert halls. The exhibition is showing a little section of a longer creative process, just the first items of a visual symphony.
Open till 11th of May, every weekdays between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
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