Recruitment of FISE Members 2021
The date of Recruitment is Friday, September 17 from 12.30 to 18.30
Anyone interested in any branch of applied arts or art theory can apply. A diploma is not a requirement, but if you are still an art student, wait a minute ...
Apply for membership on the form below:
To make an appointment for membership, use the form below:
Applicants are asked to bring a 10-15 minute conversation with them:
- a biography on an A4 sheet with the contact details (postal address, telephone, mail)
- PenDrive-on portfolio (works, titles, literature, etc.)
- some original (not large-scale) works, drawings, which can be taken immediately
- two thousand forints, for a procedural fee, - which in case of admission is also this year's membership fee.
Further information and information:, and at
We try to be down-to-earth, not to rob anyone’s time very much, so do you think about what you would say about yourself in our short conversation?
A few words about the Association:
FISE, an independent professional organization, has been supporting the careers of applied artists for 39 years: by providing exhibition opportunities, continuous information and advocacy. The membership is divided into sections according to 10 professions, the association is managed by elected management. In addition to the Mátranováki Creative House, FISE's office and 4 studios also operate a gallery in Kálmán Imre Street in the heart of Budapest. Here we hold exhibitions every three weeks, where members can introduce themselves to the professional and wider audience. We fulfill several foreign invitations every year and organize study trips. We help to achieve the artistic goals of our members, so there are more and more people who started as members of FISE and have now become internationally recognized creators of Hungarian culture and art.
FISE · art · craft · design ·
Public Benefit Association
H-1054 Budapest, Kálmán Imre utca 16.