Porceland - Exhibition of ceramic artist Balázs Botos 30.06.2021.
Exhibition opens: Piroska Novák, design and art theorist
Opening: Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at 6 p.m.
Available until July 9, 2021, Monday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m. We are waiting for those interested on the basis of prior notification, adjusting to the still existing epidemic situation. Check-in, with the exact date, no later than the day before the planned visit: iroda@fise.hu.
It is mandatory to wear a mask when visiting the exhibition!
He lives and works in Hungary, Budapest. He studied at University of West Hungary. That was the place where he fell in love with ceramics. His intention is to create objects that do everyone's heart good especially form porcelain. The functionality is also an important part of his design process and he’s intent on putting some trick, some 'spice' in his objects. He likes to give the people a 'discovery experience' and a 'home feeling’ at the same time with his works. The Porceland exhibition of Balázs shows of his world.