Origin of non-existent species - exhibition of textile artist Vanda Berecz
Origin of non-existent species - exhibition of textile artist Vanda Berecz
Meeting of leather creatures Haeckel and Dall-E
Opening: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 6 p.m.
The exhibition will be opened by architect Veronika Kata Vizi - May tree project.
It can be viewed until May 5, 2023, from Monday to Friday from 13:00 to 18:00.
What do the leather industry, Ernst Haeckel, and artificial intelligence have in common?
Since 2020, Vanda Berecz has been making small sculptures mainly from animal skin and fur. The exhibition The Origin of Nonexistent Species presents the transformation of these materials through a playful experiment.
Various skins and furs partially lose their natural properties during industrial processing: the artificially produced colors and the finishing process that removes surface damage result in a homogenized surface that looks almost like plastic.
The small sculptures made of geometric elements reflect organic structures found in nature. Their species cannot be identified, they also contain the characters of plants, sea animals, fungi and vertebrates.
The evolution of artificial species created purely for artistic reasons took place in virtual space. The artefacts documented in the studio photos from the top view show a picture similar to the 19th century natural science representation. Based on the photos, Dall-E, the artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI, created additional virtual individuals.
By organizing the variations generated by Dall-E into tableaus, after digital post-processing, graphics evoking the atmosphere of Haeckel's lithographs were created, which visitors can view in print, exhibited together with the original works.