Product design

The exhibition of the Hungarian Design Cultural Foundation in connection with the international New European Bauhaus movement.

Venue: Young Applied Artists Studio Association - FISE Gallery
(Budapest, Kálmán Imre u. 16, 1054)
Opening: Friday, November 26 at 5 p.m.
Opened by: Ferenc Sebestény DLA, President of MDKA

Roundtable discussion: Friday, Nov. 26 at 6 p.m.
Curator of the exhibition: Ferenc Sebestény, DLA architect, president of MDKA
Invited expert: dr. habil. Slézia József Phd. art historian, university professor, METU

"Our Foundation, which has been a member of BEDA (The Bureau of European Design Associations) since 2019, also plays an important role in the movement announced by the European Union. The coordination and harmonization of the activities of the Hungarian participants for the European process is carried out by the Hungarian Design Council. At the exhibition launching our program series, we present our place and active participation in the intellectual and creative process of the New European Bauhaus with the works of Hungarian artists in the fields of textiles, metalworking, glass and ceramics and our round table discussion."
Ferenc Sebestény is a DLA architect - President of MDKA

The exhibition is open from November 27-30:
November 27-28. Sat.-Sun: 14-18 h
November 29-30 H-K: 13-18 h

Sponsors of the exhibition:

It opens the exhibition
Mascher Róbert DLA, Noémi Ferenczy Award-winning designer, college professor, Semmelweis University
Koani Daniella DLA, designer, associate professor, Design Campus, Széchenyi István University.

Opening: Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 7 p.m.
Available: Monday, Friday, October 22, 2021, from 13:00 to 18:00.

1984 - the year that has come to the fore countless times in recent years, the year that briefly characterizes the changes in social and economic trends intensified by the pandemic.
However, this date is not only the title of one of the most famous dystopia and the definition of a negative sense of community, in many cases a lovely, personal number. Just as the changes catalyzed by the pandemic have brought with them a lot of personal change, so does that number of years hide a number of positive events.

FISE's group exhibition, scheduled for this year's Budapest Design Week, features the latest works by designers born in the cult year, while the hall was born in 1984.

The exhibition will be opened by: sculptor András Mohácsi.

In line with the epidemic situation, in a different way from our traditions, we are waiting for those interested on the basis of prior registration on April 27 from 6 pm to 8 pm. The opening speech: will take place at 6 pm, after which 7-7 people will be able to view the exhibition by guiding the exhibitors by registering in 4 more time zones. Log in to the opening at the link below:

Those interested can follow the event live on our Facebook page.
It can be viewed until 7 May 2021, Monday-Friday from 1 pm to 6 pm, with registration, with an exact date, no later than the day before the planned visit:

It is mandatory to wear a mask when visiting the exhibition!

Nelli Szabó:
The Pass_age of Time

"When we leave childhood, we slowly get used to the fact that objects are silent. Yet, when a crisis situation develops or there is a personal connection to an object, the object is able to speak, it starts talking to us. But what happens when objects they start telling us dashed stories in strange language.We are always able to listen to the objects?
In Nelli Szabó's works, objects speak to us, but the meanings of speech do not become decodable by a precisely descriptive logical field. Although its objects certainly stand in space, together they are as if they have been highlighted from the events of a dream.
It's crazy, but there's a system in it - that's how Polonius analyzes Hamlet on stage. However, this system is not easy to read, an instant report cannot be compiled from the world of exhibits that can be consumed immediately when diluted with hot water.
Nelli Szabó's exhibition consists of object quotations placed in space.
Window arch and table fragment, digital frame image stretched out like an accordion - objects collide in space at the exhibition. All this is no longer surrealism, there is no umbrella and operating table here. Nelli Szabó speaks with humor about the use of objects and sheds light on the cultural dysfunctions with the commonplaces of object functionality.
In the exhibition we can see material absurdities taken in beautiful, beaten formal poems. Wood, stone, metal, salt - here are the materials of the exhibition. And what is the menu? Hamlet omelette in Kálmán Imre street. Danish design in the orchestration of an operetta - Nelli Szabó's exhibition not only for connoisseurs. "

András Mohácsi, sculptor
Budapest, 17.04.2021.

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According to presentationism, the only real things are existing in the present. Everything what was in the past or what will be in the future is non-existing. I cannot change the past, I can change the present partially and I have a minimal impact to the future. My present is a very narrow window frame or rather a blind window, on which some memories and desires are arranged into a new shape from time to time. The past and the present are a by-product of the human time perception, that helps our orientation. To carry a form from the past into the present equals with the act of remembrance. A fragment of the past that is meant to remind us of the past in the present, so we can say that it’s a romantic endeavour. The old objects function as signs in the present. Signs of the passage of time, they are reminding us that the present soon will become the past and, if we are lucky, our present desires will become our future self.

“Möbius Studies” - the exhibition of Szandra Szentgyörgyi

The exhibition will be opened by architect Nóra Demeter.

In line with the epidemic situation, we are waiting for the interested on the basis of prior registration on May 11 from 6 pm to 8 pm. The opening speech will take place at 6 pm, after which 7-7 people will be able to view the exhibition by guiding the exhibitor by registering in 4 more time zones. Log in to the event at the link below:

Those interested can follow the event live on our Facebook page.
The exhibition can be viewed after May 12 until May 21, from Monday to Friday from 1 pm to 6 pm with registration, with an exact date, no later than the day before the planned visit:
It is mandatory to wear a MASK when visiting the exhibition!

“Möbius Studies”
Repetitive structures come together into a common framework, orderliness in the endless number of variations. Individually weak, flexible surfaces become strong as the consequence of form creation. I’m studying and modelling the functioning of this static principle therefore I chose a formal element that always behaves differently with the variations of size and texture. In addition to static aspects, I am interested in light effects appearing on different materials, e.g. light-shadow effects on nets, on transparent or reflective surfaces. I’m working on making these studies applicable for interior lighting from lamps to light installations.

Mindannyian másként tekintünk egy tárgyra, ha ismerjük annak történetét. A „story telling” ma már a márkaépítés egyik fontos eszköze, és különösen igaz ez a dizájn területén, ahol egy-egy sztorin keresztül nem csupán egy adott alkotást, de annak inspirációját, elkészítését sőt tervezőjének személyiségét, attitűdjét is megismerhetjük. A FISE 20 tagját kérték fel, hogy meséljék el egy-egy jól ismert munkájuk történetét az ötlet megszületésétől annak fizikai megvalósulásáig. A szelekcióban ékszerek, porcelán- és üvegtárgyak, textilek és más használati tárgyak is helyet kaptak. A válogatásban Kecskés Orsolya Napóleon brossától kezdve, Söptei Eszter háromdimenziós textiljén át, a Logifaces logikai játék „keletkezéstörténetére” is fény derül.

Megnyitó: 2019. október 8., kedd, 18:00

A kiállítás októbert 18-ig látogatható munkanapokon 13-18 óra között.

Eseményünk a Design Hét Budapest 2019 programjának része.

Our events in the Design Week:

23 September 4 p.m. (opening event) - Budapest Projekt Gallery
FISE Selected Exhibition
The exhibition of FISE Members presents the interaction and vanishing borders between various genres in craft and design. Iconic Hungarian design products and brand new object collections of different designers from 2016 will also be displayed.

27 September 6 p.m. (opening event) - FISE Gallery
Highlights of contemporary Austrian Design
FISE Gallery presents the best of the Austrian object-culture. The exhibition offers objects of highly respected and internationally well-known artists and novelties of young designers. Art-friends will appreciate the Wiener –characteristics as well as the fresh introduction of brand new pieces.

1 October 1 p.m.
FISE Gallery invites for Design Duel again in this year. Gallery Lounge will be open for designers to create their ideas on the base of given problems in limited time.

28 September 5 p.m. - FISE Gallery
Book of Design
Readers meet
The “Book of Design” album displays numerous attractive photographs of premium category designer products available on the Hungarian market. The volume is divided into sections on interior design, furniture design, industrial design and fashion design, wherein the reader is invited to learn about the goods of manufacturers and distributers, as well as Hungarian and foreign designers. Details about the book launch on!

László Bergovecz - at work

In this series the members show their workbench: the place where plans come true, project materialize.

The responser at this time: LÁSZLÓ BERGOVECZ, designer

His best time for work is night, and he doesn't like to start any meeting before 8 am.
He likes working and planning step by step, and gets inspiration from humour.

He uses this organis staffs to refreshing: ginko biloba, a sencha, matcha, lapacho, lapsang suchong.
Next to work he listens rock music or stand-up comedies.
He misses nothing very important staff for work, but he likes to try a digital drawing-pad for example.

More about László and his works:

DESIGN LITHUANIA – exhibitions label that every year presents best Lithuanian design and travels around different design festivals in Europe. Already exhibited in such countries as France, Finland, UK, Latvia and Belarus, this year DESIGN LITHUANIA leaves it's homeland on the shore of the Baltic sea and tours more than 1000 kilometers to Budapest, to present Lithuanian design identity in the lands of Hungary for the very first time.

As the main theme of the Budapest Design Week is „HOME SWEET HOME", Lithuanian design objects refer to this subject as well – visitors will have a chance to see the exposition of home furnishing details, as well as unique packaging examples decorated with ethnographic motifs, textile works and many other objects resembling Baltic homes.

All the design works elected for Budapest Design Week were selected from the winners of national Lithuanian design prize contest „GOOD DESIGN 2015", some of the objects were awarded by RED DOT, IF and other prizes. Exposition DESIGN LITHUANIA 2015 / BUDAPEST is organized by Lithuanian design forum collaborating with FISE gallery. Project is partially funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture.