Egyesületi élet
The artists of FISE wish you a peaceful Christmas and a successful New Year!
We are preparing a special surprise for Christmas 2023, between December 15-17, FISE's industrial artists will be waiting with their handicrafts. Choose from the latest works of the best Hungarian graphic artists, ceramicists, glass artists, textile artists, porcelain designers, goldsmiths and jewelry designers. Choose a unique, handmade gift for the holidays for your loved ones.
We are also preparing an extra program for Saturday: the workshop of the KACs Műhely in tune with the holidays awaits you!
Opening hours of our fair:
Friday, December 15, 2023: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m
Saturday, December 16, 2023: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m
Sunday, December 17, 2023: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m
Our artists, whose products you can see:
Antal Kitti, Brigitta B. Horváth, Anna Csenge Berkes, Krisztina Bogó, Boróka Csibi, Máté Diósi, Betti Erzsébet Domonyi, Hajnal Gyeviki, Katalin Hermann, Kamilla Hu-Yang, Sabrina Komár, Dóra Knetik, Andrea Laskóy, Natasa Litvin, Lantos Nagy Marianna, Erika Rejka, Boglárka Rozsályi, Ingrid Válint
"Immersion / Jewelery Practices" FISE exhibition in Pécs, at the Nádor Gallery
The exhibition will be opened by Róbert Mascher DLA, Ferenczy Noémi award-winning industrial artist, president of FISE, and Eszter Zámori, visual artist, University of Pécs doctoral student, curator of the exhibition.
Márton Kovács on the violin and puppeteers László Rumi and Zsuzsa Szabó Pámpillás will take part in the opening.
Opening: October 26, 6 p.m
Duration of the exhibition: October 26 - November 17, 2023.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 14:00-18:00
Location: 7621 Pécs, 15 Széchenyi tér
The exhibition titled Immersion offers a larger cross-section of the works of the Young Industrial Artists Studio Association Collection. Since FISE represents all branches of the applied arts and extends into fine art border areas, the collection includes all important genres. In Merítés, we present works from the FISE Collection, which includes the works of more than 100 artists, from the fields of jewelry art, ceramics and porcelain, glass art, textiles, graphics and photography, and design.
The exhibition, titled Jewelry Practices, is an integral part of the larger Immersion featuring the works of art from the FISE Collection. Contemporary jewelry selected from the collection and student works reflecting on them are presented here.
A special thank you to the Subject Creation Department of University of Pécs!
Playing through light - exhibition of glass artist Katalin Hermann and photographer Lili Sziráki
Opening: Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6 p.m.
The exhibition will be opened by: Róbert Mascher, DLA industrial artist, president of FISE
The opening will be attended by: Kriszta Kozma, Bianka Ney and Orsi Szabó
On view: until October 6, 2023, from Monday to Friday from 13:00 to 18:00.
Glass is a particulary independent material. Katalin Hermann does not want to tame it, but to collaborate with this unique medium. Our 21th century world slowly caught up with the process of creating glass, which for centuries has left the master only moments to decide what she wants to see in the glowing, red object formed at the end of the blowpipe. His personality, the medium and the moment is embodied in each of his works.
What kind of glasses do you see the world through? How do we perceive the environment around us? What do we focus on? What filters do we use? What do we exclude, and what do we let through? The current series of photographs by Lili Sziráki is a new, experimental work, in which she plays with different transmissive spatial planes, extracted details, painted and drawn nature related elements in abstract effect images.
On May 20-21 and 27-28, the exhibition of the FISE - Young Industrial Artists Studio Association will also be available to view in the Kristály Színtér.
Among the unique works are paintings, drawings, posters, but also works made with a reproduction graphic process, as well as special graphic publications, prints, designs and realized image materials. The formation of the text from letters and by letters, as well as the visual representation of the content to be said, are both closely and inseparable from the text and play an equal role in the reception of the written content.
We hope that the material of the exhibition will awaken new thoughts in the viewers, and even if they do not judge a book by its cover, they will look at these works of visual culture with different eyes.
"In 2023, Budapest will also become the Book Capital. We shape reading into an experience, a community activity."
FISE 2023 membership admission date: Friday, July 7 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Anyone interested in applied arts or art theory can apply.
A degree is not a requirement, but if you are an art student, wait a little longer...
Apply for membership on the following form:
Make an appointment for membership registration using the form below:
We ask applicants to bring with them to the 10-15 minute interview:
- a biography on an A4 sheet with contact information (graduation, postal address, e-mail address, phone number)
- portfolio on pen drive
- some original (not large) works and drawings that can be taken away immediately
- HUF two thousand, for a procedural fee, - which, in case of admission, is also this year's membership fee.
Further clarification and information: and on"
Opening on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 6 p.m.
It will be opened by ceramic artist Zsuzsa Ujj.
The exhibition can be viewed until July 7, 2023, from Monday to Friday from 13PM to 18PM
Deciphering ceramics
Kinga Evelin Várbiró is a ceramic artist who not only identifies the universal problem of our times, the immense challenge and effort to concentrate in a world of permanent impulses but using her instruments of art she communicates her short announcements of common values in lasting materials rather than using vanishing text messages. Her creative process is motivated by the wish for a simpler and more understable world and in the chaotic daily life.
Turzó Kristóf, a graphic designer, presents a modular typeface system, identity design based on typography, and experimental letterforms. The letters appear as illustrative elements in his works, often pushing the boundaries of legibility and prioritizing experimentation and visual storytelling over information conveyance.
It can be picked purchased at the FISE Gallery during opening hours.
Draw the attention of your friends to our brand new catalog as well as our FISE history book! The operation of our Association can also be supported by purchasing these and our other previous publications.
15th Fresh FIShEs - the introductory exhibition of FISE new members admitted in 2022
Opening on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6 p.m.
The exhibition will be opened by design and art manager Ildikó Fazekas.
It can be viewed until May 26, 2023, from Monday to Friday from 13:00 to 18:00
In previous years, the exhibition line was always opened by the introduction of new members at the beginning of the year, but due to numerous changes, constraints and optimization, our current exhibition was moved to warmer times. This year, we are joining this new start in spring, this release of energy, and we welcome all interested parties with this enthusiasm!
Exhibitors: Noémi Benke, Anna Csenge Berkes, Kolos Áron Berkes, Júlia Bődey, Borbála Budai-Kónyi, Dénes Petra, Csenge Diriczi, Erzsébet Domonyi, Ferenc Viktor Juhász, Lili Légrádi, Natasa Litvin, Gergely Mákos, Csaba Molnár, Norbert Nguyen Tran. Boglárka Rozsályi, Anna Sümegh, Anikó Székffy, Gergely Szula, Levente Varga + our new members majoring in theory: Anikó Nagy, Ditta Tóth
Mint minden évben, közhasznú Egyesületünk idén is fogadja az 1%-os felajánlásokat!
Kérjük, ne feledkezzetek meg erről a lehetőségről, hogy ilyen módon is támogassátok működésünket!
Az 1%-ot tartalmazó nyilatkozat eljuttatása a munkáltatóhoz:
Azok, akik bevallási kötelezettségüket munkáltatói adóbevallás útján teljesítik, az adó 1+1%-ról szóló rendelkező nyilatkozatot tartalmazó borítékot adhatják le munkáltatójuknak nyilatkozat kitöltésével, lezárt, adóazonosító jelével ellátott borítékban elhelyezve, személyesen vagy postán eljuttatva.
Az 1%-ot tartalmazó nyilatkozat eljuttatása a NAV-hoz:
Ezt az adózó megteheti az szja-bevalással együtt, illetve külön is. Rendelkezni a NAV új online felületén, vagy az erre a célra rendszeresített 20EGYSZA nyomtatványon lehet. Ezt azok az adózók is megtehetik, akiknek a NAV készíti el az adóbevallását. A nyilatkozatot borítékba helyezve postán is el lehet juttatni a NAV részére. - Forrás:
"Az egyesület célja, hogy iparművészek (kézműves és ipari tervezők) pályáját, a kulturális és művészeti életbe való beilleszkedését, jelenlétét és továbbfejlődését, a művészeti munka kibontakozását segítse. Lehetőséget teremtsen bel- és külföldi kiállításokon való szereplésre, művésztelepeken való részvételre. Naprakész információs bázist képez, vizuális nevelési, szervezési és kommunikációs feladatokat lát el. "
( FISE Alapszabály 1.2.1. pont)
Mindenkit arra kérünk, az szja adóbevallás során a FISE javára ajánlja fel személyi jövedelemadója 1%-át, és mivel nagy kampányt nem áll módunkban folytatni, kérjétek erre ismerőseiteket is!
A felajánláshoz az Egyesület nevét és adószámát kell megadni.
A Fiatal Iparművészek Stúdiója Egyesület adószáma: 19638744-1-41
The Studio of Young Designer’s Association is pleased to provide a venue for the presentations and exhibitions of the three sections of the Art and Art Studies Section of the 36th National Scientific Student Conference (OTDK).
The aim of the event is to provide an opportunity to present and evaluate the activities and art theoretical research results of independent, high-quality artistic creations of students studying in higher education.
The dates of the performances of the CRAFT AND DESIGN section:
DESIGN: April 13, 1:00 p.m
CRAFT 2.: April 14, 10:00
CRAFT 1: April 14, 1:00 p.m
Location: FISE Gallery , 1054 Budapest, 16th Kálmán Imre steet
This year, the Art and Art Studies Section of the OTDK is organized by the Faculty of Arts of Eötvös Loránd University and the ELTE Savaria University Center.
Presentation of the results of the "Art and Inclusion" Erasmus project, discussion and art therapy workshop at the FISE Gallery on April 4, 2023 at 6 p.m.
The aim of the "Art and Inclusion" project (2020-1-PT01-KA204-078809 ART INCLUSION3) was to promote inclusive education and the social inclusion of people living with injuries and mental difficulties with the help of art and culture. In recent years, we have collected exciting and inspiring art projects and good practices from five different countries.
During the FISE EST, we will have the opportunity to learn about good practices, as well as hear lectures about art and the possibilities of social inclusion of people living with disabilities or mental injuries. We can also join an interactive art workshop
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