G.O.A.T. // Notes from Yemen // Exhibition of jewelry designer Patrícia Harsány and design designer Nelli Szabó
The exhibition will be opened by: Márton Szentpéteri Phd habil.
Opening: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7 p.m
It can be visited: until 10.11.2023, on working days between 13:00 and 18:00.
G.O.A.T. Greatest Of All Time.
The exhibition presents the time Patrícia Harsány and Nelli Szabó spent in Yemen, on the island of Socotra. For two weeks on the island, the creative couple held art workshops for young people at the local university and at the Socotra Festival. The island's curiosity is that it is a kind of marginal enclave within the Arab region, both culturally and in terms of its biodiversity. Traveling to the island is still a relatively new opportunity and working together with the locals, even though it has only recently become possible for certain professionals who are valuable to the island, so this was an exceptional opportunity for them both as a European woman and as a designer couple.
The exhibition will feature his own reflections, presenting daily life in Sokotra together with objects, notes and stories like a diary.
Visitors to the exhibition are welcomed with Socotra honey and Arabic coffee.